
Elek Aksesuarları

Elek Aksesuarları

Retsch, mükemmel elek analizlerine olanak sağlayan geniş bir aksesuar yelpazesi sunar

Numune Bölücü

They divide all pourable solids so accurately that the characteristic composition of each fraction of the sample corresponds exactly to that of the original bulk sample.

Akışkan yatak kurutucu TG 200

The fluid bed dryer TG 200 permits the gentle drying of organic, inorganic, chemical or pharmaceutical bulk materials.

Ultrasonik banyo ur

The ultrasonic bath range UR includes three sizes for cleaning test sieves and grinding tools quickly and easily.

Elek Aksesuarları

RETSCH's large selection of accessories makes the perfect sieve analysis complete.


  • Dust free and exact dividing 
  • Solutions for 1 to 10 samples for batch processing
  • Simple handling


  • Short drying times
  • gentle drying, dispersing and mixing also of temperature sensitive materials
  • no localized overheating


  • fast, gentle, and highly efficient cleaning
  • increases working live of test sieves
  • easy to use, saves time and cost


  • Test sieve racks
  • Accessories for test sieves, wet sieving and sieving aids
  • Sample dividers ...and much more.


Other useful tools

  • Test elekleri için aksesuarlar
Toplama tavaları, ara tavalar, ara halkalar, elek kapakları ve halka contalar.
  • Islak elek için aksesuarlar
Çıkışlı toplama tavaları, havalandırma halkaları ve halka contalar.
  • Eleme yardımcıları
Zincir halkaları, akik, kauçuk veya steatit bilyeler, fırçalar, poliüretan küpler.